Exhibition of BRAU4 Posters in Pharos, Egypt.

Publication of BRAU4 Proceedings

The Proceedings of the 4th Biennial of Architectural and Urban Restoration have been published by Edizioni CICOP Italia in digital format (PDF), 1464 pages, ISBN 978-88-909116-5-1. Proceedings
5° Fórum Internacional do Patrimônio Arquitetônico Brasil / Portugal

5° Fórum Internacional do Patrimônio Arquitetônico Brasil / Portugal (FIPA) 23, 24 e 25 de maio de 2018 Rio de Janeiro, Museu Histórico Nacional e Paço Imperial
INARCASSA / CICOP Italy Architecture Award

INARCASSA Foundation / CICOP Italy ONLUS Architecture Award (in italian)
BRAU4 Student Competition

BRAU4 Learners Competition
Construçao em Terra Announcement

Enquadramento Legal e Normativo Da Construçao em Terra 18 de novembro 2017 Biblioteca Municipal de Aveiro
BRAU4 Announcement

BRAU4 presentation
Hidden Cultural Heritage Congress Announcement

Biennial of Urban and Archittectural Restoration, BRAU4 Presents the itinerant International Congress The Hidden Cultural Heritage under Water, under Ground and Within Buildings April, 15-30 2018 Dedicated to Eng. Rea Tassiou
4th The Importance of Place Announcement

Conscious protection and compatible enhancement of cultural heritage

In the area of protection and revaluation of cultural and natural heritage, a labyrinthine culture has persisted for some decades, as an inevitable reflection of a complex world, made up of social and economic events and technological innovations that evolve rapidly and unpredictably. influencing the institutional properties of the various organizational contexts. One way of interpreting the crisis situations that emerged from the debates developed during the 5th International CICOP Congress, is to try to identify, on the one hand, the new rules that govern our cities and in particular our historical centers: market rules, competition rules, stock exchange rules, […]