Message from resigning CICOP Net President
By giving my resignation as President of the CICOP Net Confederation, I feel the duty to thank warmly all the associated members, who with their commitment have contributed with tenacity and sacrifices to the promotion and encouragement of culture and art, as well as to international cooperation and overcoming of the cultural barriers between peoples.
This was my main focus and of those who actively collaborated with me in this formidable cultural adventure.
We have created extraordinary international cultural events together, despite being a non-profit and apolitical association. I mention just a few of these: “The Biennial of Architectural and Urban Restoration” now in its 5th edition, the International Congress “Hazards and Modern Heritage”, now in its 7th edition, The International Congress “The importance of the place”, now in its 3rd edition, the International Congress “Monumental Cemeteries: Knowledge, Restoration and Restyling”, now in its 4th edition, the “Hypatia International Award”, events that have been celebrated in over 50 European and non-European cities on various continents. These are events that have met with extraordinary success, sponsored by the most prestigious national and international bodies, such as UNESCO, ICOMOS, ICCROM, Universities, Regional Councils and Municipalities, Private Research and Cultural Bodies.
The merit of this extraordinary work must be attributed to all of You, and in particular to: Professors Eng. Amir Causevic and Arch. Nerman Rustempavic and their collaborators , who have supported me for over twenty years; they have promoted most of these events in their own country and in others, creating formidable cultural and interchange links.
Other CICOP Net centers, created more recently, have carried out extraordinary cultural work, despite the contiguous difficulties encountered in their countries, such as that of CICOP Net Egypt directed by President Dr Ayat Elmihy.
I warmly thank the CICOP Net Centers of the countries that continue to support and contribute to our initiatives despite the enormous difficulties they encounter in their countries for political and conflict reasons, such as CICOP Syria (directed by Prof. Arch. Nuhad Abdallah for almost twenty years) and the most recent CICOP Net Pakistan.
I also warmly thank the CICOP Net Brazil center, directed by Prof. Arch. Maria Rita Amoroso, who while facing enormous political / health problems in her country recently, continues with tenacity to offer her contribution in the initiatives of our Confederation underway.
I thank the CICOP net Greece and in particular Prof. Arch. Nicolaos Lianos (and collaborators) and the archaeologist Dr Vassilis Chryssikopoulos, who have realized extraordinary cultural events in Thrace and Piraeus on the occasion of the last BRAU Biennial.
The CICOP Italia Onlus, active for 26 years, which promoted the CICOP Net Confederation is obviously considered by me to be my right hand in this cultural adventure, and I am sure that all its members will continue with the same tenacity to collaborate with the new board of the Confederation.
Special thanks to the manager of the Confederation website, Eng. Mario Maio and very active member of the center since its inception.
I hope and I assure all of you that I will be close to you by continuing to contribute to the Confederation’s initiatives also in the future, even without being part of the board that you will elect on October 2nd, 2020.
Nina Avramidou
October 1st, 2020