Statute of CICOP Net Confederation
Network of International Centers for the Conservation of Architectural Heritage
- It is constituted the cultural Association named “CICOP Net Confederation”, for brevity “CICOP Net”, in which are associated in network the International Centers for the Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CICOP Centers) and those non-profit cultural Associations which have as their main objective the conservation and enhancement of Historical, Cultural and Artistic Heritage, the international cooperation and the overcoming of cultural barriers between peoples.
- The Association is free, nonpartisan and nonsectarian, voluntary and has no purpose of profit, pursuing exclusively cultural purposes by promotion and encouragement of culture and art in the broader forms of agreements their meaning. It is recognized inside of the Constitutions and Civil Codes of States in which its affiliated Associations reside.
- The present Statute is signed by the founding members of CICOP Net Confederation. After its constitution other Associations may join the Confederation, offering their cultural contributions and assuming cultural commitments. The Steering Committee of CICOP Net deliberates on the access of new members.
- The CICOP Net has no registered headquarter and may set up its operational headquarter at any of its affiliated Associations’ office.
- The CICOP Net has unlimited duration and shall estinguish in the cases and in the manner provided by this Statute.
- The CICOP Net is governed by its Statute and for what it is not provided by this, by the governmental and regional laws regarding non-profit cultural associations, existing in the countries where its affiliated Associations reside. The Steering Committee of CICOP Net may establish internal regulations to govern its organization and its functioning.
- The finalities and ambits of the CICOP Net Confederation, are the same of those described in the Statutes of the affiliated Associations. In addition to those finalities and ambits, the CICOP Net:
- Aims to contribute to bridging the static conception of heritage and the enrichment of its constant and dynamic relationship with the territory and its belonging region, stimulating multicultural promotion processes.
- Aims to an operability of international character, hopefully in cooperation and coordination with other international organizations and public/private, with the following prevailing purposes:
- Finding solutions and alternatives that are more suitable and innovative towards the conscious conservation and enhancement of sustainable Historical, Cultural and Artistic Heritage.
- Promotion, organization and management of events aimed at the comparison, at the international level, of the interventions and restoration projects, such as BRAU, Biennale of Architecture and Urban Restoration, an international cultural event founded and designed by CICOP Italia.
- Constitution of a Permanent Observatory on Cultural Heritage Risks, of tangible and intangible ones, which bring out multicriteria operational proposals of remedy and prevention measures, of large temporal and spatial validity. To this end, the CICOP Net will promote the international biennial Congress entitled Hazards & Modern Heritage, cultural event founded and designed by CICOP Italia.
- To achieve these goals, the CICOP Net Confederation carries out indicatively the following activities:
- Establish a coordinated network among its affiliated Associations.
- Organize its own services in networking, making prevalent use of multimedia such as certified mail, video conferencing, databases, computer files containing data, etc.
- Provide sources funding of the projects it promotes, on behalf of the affiliated Associations participating in these projects, obtained through the issuance of a valid and legal emission of publications, video, CD, magazines, etc.
- Organize courses, conferences, conventions and many other cultural no profit activities involving Associations affiliated with CICOP Net.
- Membership application
- The following entities may join the CICOP Net:
- CICOP Centers institutionalized and active, which want to network and offer their cooperation to CICOP Net.
- Non-profit Cultural Associations that have the same objectives of CICOP Net, aiming at knowledge, survey, cataloging, protection and preservation of historic and artistic heritage, and want to network and offer their cooperation to CICOP Net.
- The instance to join the CICOP Net Confederation will be addressed by the requesting Association to the CICOP Net Steering Committee, which will decide for each specific case.
- The membership requests will be properly evaluated by the Steering Committee of CICOP Net and the resolution will be notified in writing.
- The following entities may join the CICOP Net:
- The rights of the Associations affiliated with CICOP Net are:
- To participate (by means of its members) in the General Assembly of CICOP Net and occupy positions within CICOP Net Steering Committee, with right for voice and vote.
- To receive periodic information on the activities of CICOP Net and its members.
- To consult and to examine any document or act that refers to the dynamics of the administration of CICOP Net.
- The duties of the presidents, managers and members of Associations affiliated with CICOP Net, are:
- To respect of the provisions established in the present Statute and in the regulations which may be adopted, as well as the resolutions and decisions validly taken by the governing bodies of the CICOP Net.
- To fulfill the assignments and responsibilities of the charges for which they are appointed.
- To safeguard the good name and reputation of CICOP Net.
- To respond to due activities when requested, in the manner and form determined by CICOP Net.
- To notify CICOP Net, promptly and in writing of any change occurring in statutes and addresses of their Association affiliated with CICOP Net.
- Loss of the condition of member of CICOP Net
- The membership condition will be lost, temporarily or permanently, for any of the following causes:
- Request of the resigning member, in writing form, addressed to the Steering Committee of CICOP Net.
- Non-fulfillment of obligations and duties described in the present Statute.
- The membership condition will be lost, temporarily or permanently, for any of the following causes:
- Procedure for revocation of CICOP Net membership
- The decay from the condition of member of CICOP Net will be producted directly if it is requested voluntarily.
- In all other cases the Steering Committee of CICOP Net will proceed to investigate the decay conditions, notifying to the member the motivation of decay.
- Within thirty days from receipt of the notification the affiliated Association can present any justifications that are suitable and affordable. Upon such justifications the CICOP Net Steering Committee will decide on the continuation or loss of the membership in the CICOP Net. The decision will be notified within fifteen days to the concerned member and also in the first General Assembly of CICOP Net subsequent to that decision.
- Bodies and Positions
- The CICOP Net Confederation has the following Governing Bodies and Honorary Positions:
- General Assembly
- Steering Committee
- President Emeritus
- All statutory positions are honorary and free of renumeration.
- The CICOP Net Confederation has the following Governing Bodies and Honorary Positions:
- General Assembly
- The General Assembly is the supreme organ of government of CICOP Net and it is composed by the Steering Committees of all Associations affiliated with CICOP Net, as indicated in Part 4.1.1 of the present Statute.
- It meets ordinarily every two years to coincide with the Biennial BRAU, in one of the cities of Cultural Axis along which the Biennial BRAU takes place; may also be convened extraordinarily whenever the Steering Committee deems it appropriate.
- It is admitted the possibility that the General Assembly meetings may be held by videoconference or teleconference, provided that all participants can be identified by the CICOP Net President and that they are allowed to discuss and participate in real time on the matters and, if needed, express their vote. If all these preconditions are verified, it means that the meeting of the General Assembly takes place where the CICOP Net President is located. The report of the General Assembly shall mention the manner in which access was obtained and vote by participants and how they expressed their vote.
- The convocation must be made by notice published on CICOP Net website, at least two months before the meeting, and must contain the agenda, place and date of the first call and those of the second eventual convocation; the latter one will be fixed at least an hour after the first one.
- The meetings of the General Assemblies are valid, on the first call, with the presence of an absolute majority of eligible participants, and, on the second call, regardless of the number of eligible participants.
- For deliberations concerning (1) amendments to the Statute of CICOP Net, and (2) the dissolution of the Association, are valid the norms of the Civil Codes and of Employement of the States where the Associations affiliated with CICOP Net belong.
- The General Assembly can deliberate on any question concerning the CICOP Net Association and in particular:
- on the general guidelines of CICOP Net;
- on the actions of the Steering Committee;
- approves internal regulations and any their modifications;
- in extraordinary session, acts on possible changes of the Statute;
- Eligible participants in the General Assembly may be represented by other eligible participants; each participant can not represent more than two other eligible participants.
- The General Assembly is chaired by the CICOP Net President; failing, the General Assembly appoints its own Chairman. The Chairman shall appoint a Secretary and, if appropriate, two Scrutineers. The Chairman controls the regularity of the delegations and, in general, the right to intervene in the meeting. The Secretary draws up a report signed by the Chairman and the Secretary, and eventually by the Scrutineers.
- Steering Committee
- The CICOP Net Association is managed by a Steering Committee composed by the Presidents of the Associations affiliated with CICOP Net. The Steering Committee remain in charge for four years.
- The first Steering Committee is appointed with the Constitution of CICOP Net.
- The Steering Committee elects, from among its members, a President, a Vice President, a General Secretary, and 3 Consultants.
- It is admitted the possibility that the Steering Committee meetings may be held by videoconference or teleconference, provided that all participants can be identified by the President and that they are allowed to discuss and participate in real time on the matters and, if needed, express their vote. If all these preconditions are verified, it means that the meeting of the Steering Committee takes place where the President is located. The report of the meeting shall mention the manner in which access was obtained and vote by participants and how they expressed their vote.
- The Steering Committee of CICOP Net has all the powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration.
- The Steering Committee shall be convened by the President of CICOP Net at least once a year, when the President deems it necessary or when so requested by at least two Steering Committee members, to deliberate regarding the report of the activities promoted by the CICOP Net Confederation.
- For resolutions to be valid, the presence of at least half plus one of its members, including the President, and the favorable vote of the majority of those present must be present; minutes of meetings are drawn up and signed by the President and the General Secretary.
- The President of CICOP Net, and in case of his absence or impediment, the General Secretary, represents the CICOP Net Confederation against third parties and in court; also he is responsible for the implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly and of the Steering Committee of CICOP Net.
- The President of CICOP Net may adopt independently, in the case of proven reasons of urgency, all those measures of competence of the Steering Committee, taking care to give information to Steering Committee at its next meeting.
- The General Secretary of the Steering Committee provides the bookkeeping, transcribing the minutes of the Steering Committee meetings.
- The CICOP Net Association is managed by a Steering Committee composed by the Presidents of the Associations affiliated with CICOP Net. The Steering Committee remain in charge for four years.
- President Emeritus
- The Presidents of the Confederation CICOP Net who have laudably carried out their office for at least three consecutive mandates can receive the recognition of President Emeritus.
- The President Emeritus does not have the representation nor the administrative powers, but may participate and has the right to speak in the Steering Committee meetings and in General Assembly, without the right to vote.
- The President Emeritus carries out support and control activities on compliance with the Statute by the affiliated Associations and by the Steering Committee, and can receive delegations from the President of the CICOP Net for specific activities and needs of the Association.
- The term of office of the President Emeritus is until revoked.
- The President Emeritus may resign from the nomination by notifying the President of CICOP Net.
- The CICOP Net Confederation promotes the affiliated Associations that support its activities at international level.
- The founders of CICOP Net may give birth to local CICOP Net Centers through the Constitutive Act of the same.
- The totality of the members of each Association affiliated with CICOP Net form the assembly which appoints its steering committe, composed by at least three members, with the position of President, of Technical-Scientific Responsible and of organizational Responsible.
- The activities of Associations affiliated with CICOP Net consists of actions for the promotion of the knowledge of architectural and landscape heritage through exhibitions, lectures, debates, etc.
- The Associations affiliated with CICOP Net shall produce annually a program of activities which is approved by the Steering Committee of CICOP Net.
- The CICOP Net Confederation takes care and supports the formation of local CICOP Net Centers, promotes the development of procedures for storing, cataloging and reporting the experience gained inside to them, for their better circuitry and comparison, both within the CICOP Net and outside of it.
- The Steering Committee of CICOP Net has the responsability for coordinating and supporting the actions of the Associations affiliated with CICOP Net.
- The CICOP Net Confederation does not have its own patrimony.
- Each Association affiliated with CICOP Net, has its independent financial management, respecting its Statute and the laws in force in the its country.
- Any funds arising from the partnership of the affiliated Association to the activities promoted and carried to a successful conclusion, within the CICOP Net, on specific cultural initiatives of each of its members or its Steering Committee, will also be managed independently by the affiliated Associations who take an active part in such activities.
- The subdivision of the expenses and gains deriving from the partnership for joint activities, will be determined by mutual agreement between all the participants and be formalized by signing of a preliminary contract in the form of “temporary association” among the participants.
- The criteria for dividing the profits – arising from the participation of more affiliated Associations within the same cultural activity that produced gains – will be defined in relation to the tasks assigned to each affiliated Association and the current rates in force in the countries of each affiliated Association.
- For the performance of cultural and scientific activities of CICOP Net, this may avail itself of one or more experts, which will be chosen and designated by the Steering Committee for a particular cultural activity and for a certain period of time to be established at the time of their nomination.
- The experts, at the request of the Steering Committee of CICOP Net:
- express opinions with regard to single initiatives or programs promoted by CICOP Net;
- formulate projects for the studies and researches of major importance for the achieving the objectives of the CICOP Net;
- suggest those persons and institutions deserving the award and scholarships, on the basis of competitons approved by the Steering Committee;
- The Steering Committee of CICOP Net can determine that some or all of the experts come together to form a committee that will work as a team. It will be the same Steering Committee of CICOP Net that will indicate the purposes, tasks, time in which will operate this team of experts and the duration of its office.
- The Committee of Experts, if appointed, will be chaired by the President of CICOP Net and will operate according to its statutory rules, as they are compatible.
- The Steering Committee of CICOP Net may issue internal regulations to govern the tasks, organization and functioning of the Committee of Experts.
- Experts are entitled to reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of their office and eventually a remuneration or attendance fee, in accordance with what it is established by the Steering Committee of CICOP Net.
- The experts, at the request of the Steering Committee of CICOP Net:
- For anything else not covered by this Statute, the CICOP Net Confederation is regulated by the rules of the Civil Code and other national and regional laws that affect non-profit associations, existing in the countries of Associations affiliated with the CICOP Net Confederation.