2nd Hypatia Award Ceremony
Photo Gallery of 2nd Hypatia Award Ceremony, Florence (Italy), October 16, 2023
Hypatia Award Ceremony

Photo Gallery of Hypatia Award Ceremony
Hypatia Award press coverage
revistarestauro.com.br ansa.it medias24.com leconomiste.com mapcasablanca.ma lematin.ma moroccotimes.tv lepetitjournalmarocain.com maroc-diplomatique.net yabiladi.ma snrtnews.com mapexpress.ma
7º Fórum Internacional de Patrimônio Arquitetônico Brasil-Portugal 2021

7° FIPA Brasil 2021
Message from resigning CICOP Net President

By giving my resignation as President of the CICOP Net Confederation, I feel the duty to thank warmly all the associated members, who with their commitment have contributed with tenacity and sacrifices to the promotion and encouragement of culture and art, as well as to international cooperation and overcoming of the cultural barriers between peoples. This was my main focus and of those who actively collaborated with me in this formidable cultural adventure. We have created extraordinary international cultural events together, despite being a non-profit and apolitical association. I mention just a few of these: “The Biennial of Architectural and […]
Extraordinary General Assembly of CICOP Net Confederation
Date: October 2nd, 2020, h. 17.00 CEST (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2), with the following Agenda: Statute Changes Vote of the Steering Committee: President, Vice President, Secretary, 3 Consultants Various and any other issues All the members of the national CICOP Net Steering Comittees can be elected to the various directive offices. All current offices expire with this election. The vote will be given remotely, on this website (go to the election page). In order to vote you need to access your email. Prof. Arch. Nina Avramidou President of CICOP Net Confederation President of CICOP Italia Onlus Election results […]
Publication of MMC3 Proceedings
Publication of the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Monumental & Multicultural Cemeteries
BRAU5 postponed due to COVID-19 pandemia
BRAU5 postponed due to COVID-19 pandemia
Workshop “Learn from tragedy”

CICOP Italy organizes, with the collaboration of CNAPPC, Federazione Architetti PPC Toscani, Fondazione e Ordine Architetti Firenze, the Workshop Learn from tragedy A turning point: the 1980 Earthquake in Irpinia and Basilicata (Italy) Florence, Palazzina Reale, October 15 2019
3rd International Conference on Monumental & Multicultural Cemeteries

CICOP Italia ONLUS organizes the 3rd International Conference on Monumental & Multicultural Cemeteries Knowledge, Conservation & Reuse, Restyling & Innovation 23-28 April, 2019 Florence and Turin, Italy